Volodymyr Bezborotko

Volodymyr Bezborotko is a former Ukrainian footballing referee, who died defending Ukraine in the service of the Armed Forces.

He was born in the village of Horishni Sherivtsi, Chernivtsi region, studied at a local school, then worked in the Football Association of Chernivtsi region. He worked in the Football Association of the Chernivtsi region and made a significant contribution to the popularisation of children’s and youth football in Bukovyna.

After the start of the full-scale invasion, Volodymyr volunteered to defend Ukraine from the Russian invaders. He trained in the United Kingdom, During his service, he managed to visit several hot spots on the front. Friends remember that he was a very sincere and open person, never left anyone in trouble, always came to help. Unfortunately, on January 9, 2024, sad news came from the front line: the heart of a good friend, selfless football referee, loving son and brother of Volodymyr Bezborotko stopped forever in the Zaporizhia direction. The hero was only 27 years old…

“He decided not to run away, not to come up with any reasons not to leave. He immediately said: ‘I’m going because it’s my duty.’” Although he had a heart defect, says Maryna Voloshchak, the cousin of the fallen soldier.

Bezborotko served in the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Article by Peter Chymera.  Peter is a co-founder of Donetsk Way and the Viktor Leonenko Hall of Fame.  Follow Peter on twitter – @PMChymera89

With war ongoing in Ukraine and continued murder and destruction, it feels trivial to write about football. But as the anthem says – “The glory and freedom of Ukraine has not yet perished” and competing in sports at the highest level is a platform to keep Ukraine in the news, and show that Ukraine is a sovereign state, despite the latest Genocidal atrocities being committed against it.

Unfortunately, the war goes on. And Ukraine continues to need your support. So please keep sharing news about what is happening in Ukraine, write to your MP or representatives, support refugees and love Ukraine.If you are able to make a donation to help Ukraine at this time please ensure it is to a verified and trusted fund!

Throughout Euro 2024 we will be able to do what we love, support our Ukrainian football team. Unfortunately, most Ukrainian football fans will not be able to do this. They are defending Ukraine on the front lines, and too many have paid with their lives. We will be supporting the Stands of Heroes Foundation during the tournament and beyond. The Charitable Foundation “Stands of Heroes” was created by Ukrainian football fans. Their main task is to provide systematic financial support to the families of fallen football fans from all over Ukraine and all those involved in the around-football society. If you can, please consider supporting Stand of Heroes.

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