Ilya Perezhoniv

Ilya Perezhoniv was killed playing football with his friends

Ilya Perezhoniv was a 15 year old playing football, when he was killed by a Russian airstrike.

Born and raised in Mariupol, he studied in the 10th grade of the local school No. 9 and was fond of football since childhood.

“He was very gentle, incapable of anger. He never had a conflict and was a faithful friend who would always support him,” classmate Polina recalled.

“Extremely good child. Optimistic, cheerful – like a sun. Always share everything. He will remain hungry himself, but will share with his classmates. Very independent.” added the boy’s class teacher, Halyna Kuprikova.

At the start of the full-scale war, Ilya remained in his native Mariupol. Around 1pm on March 2, 2022, during a lull in shelling, Ilya and his friends went to the school stadium to play football.

“I saw the children playing on the field. Suddenly my husband shouted: “Fall!” The first explosion rang out. Then more. The windows were shattered. That was the first shelling of the school… We ran out onto the field, there was a bloody jacket lying there…”, said school director Larisa Bykova.

Ilya’s father took him to the hospital. But it was not possible to save him. Due to the freezing conditions in Mariupol it was not possible to bury him. His body remained in the morgue. A shell hit the morgue a few days later and it was impossible to retrieve the bodies left there.

“His death shocked everyone,” said class leader Halyna Kuprikova.

“I really miss his laughter and jokes,” added classmate Polina.

Ilya is survived by his parents, brother, grandmother.

Ilya is one of 551 children to have been confirmed killed in this brutal war. Over 2,000 more children are missing. The total number of those to have died is unknown due to the ongoing hostilities and occupation of Ukrainian lands. The enemy does not disclose all the information and many who died, including children have been buried in mass graves.

Nearly 1500 children have been injured in the war and around 20,000 have been kidnapped or forcibly deported to Russia and occupied territory.

Each injury, deportation and death is a tragedy for Ukraine and it should be for the world. Many of these children will have loved football, and may have gone on to have great careers in sport or elsewhere. Those dreams have been ended.

We will remember Ilya and many more like him! The children of war.

Article by Peter Chymera.  Peter is a co-founder of Donetsk Way and the Viktor Leonenko Hall of Fame.  Follow Peter on twitter – @PMChymera89

With war ongoing in Ukraine and continued murder and destruction, it feels trivial to write about football. But as the anthem says – “The glory and freedom of Ukraine has not yet perished” and competing in sports at the highest level is a platform to keep Ukraine in the news, and show that Ukraine is a sovereign state, despite the latest Genocidal atrocities being committed against it.

Unfortunately, the war goes on. And Ukraine continues to need your support. So please keep sharing news about what is happening in Ukraine, write to your MP or representatives, support refugees and love Ukraine.If you are able to make a donation to help Ukraine at this time please ensure it is to a verified and trusted fund!

Throughout Euro 2024 we will be able to do what we love, support our Ukrainian football team. Unfortunately, most Ukrainian football fans will not be able to do this. They are defending Ukraine on the front lines, and too many have paid with their lives. We will be supporting the Stands of Heroes Foundation during the tournament and beyond. The Charitable Foundation “Stands of Heroes” was created by Ukrainian football fans. Their main task is to provide systematic financial support to the families of fallen football fans from all over Ukraine and all those involved in the around-football society. If you can, please consider supporting Stand of Heroes.

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